Thursday, March 27, 2008

2007 list again

Best video. Breaker- Low from the Drums and Guns album.

The second best album released last year. The album is a stark reminder of the times we are living in. One group of people gorge themselves to no end while the carnage goes on all around us. In a few lines it pulls down the facade of politics and civilized debate revealing the ugly reality of the world.

Our bodies break
And the blood just spills and spills
But here we sit debating math
It's just a shame
My hand just kills and kills
There's gotta be an end to that
There's gotta be an end to that

I really find it hard to believe there is and end to it. Most people just have to be content to watch others eat the cake. However they can clap along with American Idol and remain oblivious.

1 comment:

Doug Nibbelink said...

Well put. You do realize you get the first tear inducing blog post of 2008 award.